I saw Friendly Fires open for Lykke Li last October and I was very impressed with Ed Macfarlane's (lead singer) dancing and energy. So I was pretty excited to see what they would do for their show in Vancouver. They definitely lived up to their previous performance with Lykke Li; I would say they even surpassed it. Ed Macfarlane got down to perform and dance in the crowd twice. And the guitarist, Edd Gibson, ran through all of Richard's during the encore of "All I Need." Pretty awesome.
In my opinion, the songs that were best performed were "On Board", "Lovesick" and "Skeleton Boy" (the video for "Skeleton Boy" is pretty sweet, check it out below). I've woken up with these songs in my head since Thursday morning (only two days but still pretty significant in my mind). I think this band does need a little more recognition then they already receive. When people asked me who I was seeing and I told them, Friendly Fires, almost no one had heard of them. So hopefully this post will encourage you to check out their video for "Skeleton Boy" and Myspace. If they come back to Vancouver, I highly suggest attending their concert. It is guaranteed to be full of energy, spontaneity and dancing.
Friendly Fires - Skeleton Boy
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