Saturday, October 3, 2009

"I called to say I'm on the way"

"Rome" is probably my favourite song from Phoenix's most recent album, Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix. But I found myself listening to the song on repeat, waiting patiently for the heartbreaking bridge that occurs 3 minutes into the song (approximately). I just wanted that part of the song to last longer so badly.

As I was taking a glance through the recently created/released remixes online, I came across this remix of "Rome." I was very curious to see how it was produced. I wasn't sure if it was going to be dance or not. I'll tell you that I was unbelievably happy when I figured out this remix pretty much does exactly what I wanted the original to do so badly. The bridge is almost the entire remix. So sad, but it's perfect for those days when you're letting your mind travel while your body stands still.

Phoenix - Rome (Neighbors remix feat. Devendra Banhart)

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