Sunday, September 7, 2008

Last nite

This blog entry is dedicated to one of my dear friends who is also a new roommate.

Last night, we threw a housewarming party. Before the party started, we decided to get some energy drinks. We originally wanted to listen to ABBA in the car but I couldn't find the CD so my friend/roommate suggested The Strokes (her first favourite band ever). We skipped through the CD to track 7 aka Last Nite (one of the Strokes biggest hits) and rocked out in the car.
Later on in the night, I decided to put this song on for all of the leftover party animals in the house. Most of them loved it and wanted to listen to the rest of the album, Is this it, so we did. This resulted in fun dancing, sweet air guitar solos and friendly hugs.
I also really enjoyed this same friend/roommate telling all of our other friends (myself included) how much she loved us. Even though these comments may have been catalyzed by alcohol, they were still meaningful and genuine.

I ruv my molly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i love you too. and the comments were only heightened and loosened and bettered by drunkenness.